Sunday 2 September 2012

One page of my Summer mini album

At the beginning of the summer holidays, I asked my children to list the things they wanted to do. I told them that not everything would be accomplished (get a cat? no! spend €50 in Claire's? no!) but at least it would be something to aim for.

Last year we made the list, but I never made the mini album I meant to, this year I decided that I would work in the album and have it ready by the end of the school holidays.

School starts tomorrow, and I only have a couple of pages to finish, so i am quite proud of it. Hopefully I'll have it ready by tomorrow so we can look it together and see how much fun we had in the last two months.

I'll share the cover and some pages later this week - today I only have one page, our trip to Cascais, Portugal. The left page was inspired by a layout by supertoni, for a scraplift challenge in Studio Calico's forum.

Here's supertoni's original layout:

Thanks for the inspiration, Toni!


Trinh said...

What a cool album, Elisa! Love that you will be able to look back on how all of you spent the summer.

souDulce said...

I love your page and that pciture of three walking, so beautiful! Did you like Cascais?

Sabrina said...

Oh boy, I still haven't even printed photos from last summer. Don't we all have such good intentions. How rewarding for you to have this done. Looking forward to seeing the rest of it- I love the map background.