Monday 25 August 2008

Para Beth (for Beth)

This is essentially a scrapbooking-related blog, but this post is for my dear friend Beth - we lost touch 13 years ago, but recently we found each other again, thanks to another long-lost-found-again friend, Sueli.

Este é um blog dedicado a scrapbooking, mas estas fotos são para a minha querida amiga Beth. Nós nos perdemos 13 anos atrás, mas recentemente entramos em contato novamente, graças a uma outra amiga perdida-reencontrada - Sueli.


Di's Dooodles said...

It's lovely when you get in contact again with long lost friends isn't it - happened twice to me too!
Lovely pics - I hope you are going to scrap them.

littlebit said...

Must be something in the air, I too have recently got back in contact with someone who I was very close to in my teens. Cant remember the last time we talked but it has to be at least 22 years ....

Your looking great in the photos...

Mandy said...

and me too SHOCK! 12 years, dont know what possessed me to go into our attic, I found an old diary and chanced ringing the number! Its like we have never been apart! So weird! Great pics elisa, such wonderful happy faces!

Lainey said...

Such happy sunny photos Elisa - fabulous to have in the Winter months ahead!